
Archive for marts, 2020

Childhood memories

So I wanted to start blogging again, whenever I can, and for some reason in English this time. Maybe just this once, maybe I will continue or switch whenever I feel for it! In whichever language will express my feelings and inner visuals the best 💖

I took a walk in the park around the corner from my place the other day, I had already taken a walk on the concrete sidewalks and was on my way home, when the beautiful sunset and the scent of trees and feeling of wind drew me to turn around and continue to the park, like a magnet pulling me towards Nature, with willow trees and a lake. I started walking, took off my headphones and breathed in to the sound of birds singing. I saw some of the first white flowers on a cherry tree, just unfolded and fresh. I suddenly remembered how I used to take long walks in nature where I grew up, with or without music but certainly without a phone!

I was lucky to grow up right next to large areas of fields and nature, and used to spent much time there and went for long walks alone for kilometers even as a kid. It was a place I could dwell in and display my feelings, positive or negative, without judgement and self censorship.

I got so happy – standing there with the cherry blossoms between my fingers (do correct me if I’m wrong) , and remembered that we should always keep doing what made us happy as a child. Don’t forget. That was your intuition speaking to you, your higher sense of healing, and it has unlikely changed that, what made you happy back then, makes you happy today.

Remember 🙏
